June 9, 2009 journal, U.S. government has become patently anti Christian quoting Chuck Baldwin in the Times Examiner weekly newspaper. Have you heard about military Bible burnings? U.S. soldiers are not allowed to carry Bibles anymore and forbidden in prison. Preacher & politician from Tallahassee Florida writes a well researched article describing the anti Christian nation America has become. "From the writings of Columbus to the Mayflower Compact, to the Declaration of Independence, America's founders clearly and articulately enshrined bedrock Christian principles in the foundation of this country. For example, a journey that led to the discovery of the new world Christopher Columbus said, "It was the Lord who put into my mind-I could feel His hand upon me-the fact that it would be possible to sail from here to the Indies... All who heard of my project rejected it with laughter, ridiculing me.. There is no question that the inspiration was from the Holy Spirit because he confronted me with rays of marvelous illuminations from the Holy Scriptures. For the execution of the journey to the Indies I did not make use of any intelligence, mathematics or maps. It is simply the fulfillment of what Isaiah had prophesied... No one should fear to understate the task in the name of our Savior if it is just and if the intention is purely for His Holy service... the fact that the gospel must still be preached to so many lands in such a short time, this is what convinces me. (Source-Columbus Book of Prophecies). Our pilgrim fathers wrote in the Mayflower Compact "In the name of God, Amen. We whose names are underwritten, having undertaken for the glory of God and the advancement of the Christian faith ... a voyage to plant the first colony in the Northern parts of Virginia". "In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson invokes our creator God no less than 4 times. in fact, Jefferson predicate said the Declaration on " the laws of nature and of Max Nature's God " and it concludes the Declaration with an appeal to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions and with " a farm reliance on the protection of divine providence". attorney and author, John Whitehead, in his book, the separation illusion, rightly noted, " in it 1892, the United States Supreme Court made and exhaustive study of the supposed connection between Christianity and the government of the United States. After reviewing hundreds zero volumes of historical documents, the court asserted, these references at it ... at 2 at 8 volume of unofficial Declaration is to the mass of organic utterances that this is a religious people ... a Christian nation, like why as in 1931. Supreme Court Justice George Sutherland reviewed the 1892 decision in a reference to another case and reiterated that America this area Christian people and in 1952, Justice William O. Douglas and affirm that we are a religious people and our institution presuppose a supreme being ". Accordingly, our U.S. Constitution is dated:1-from the birth of Christ, and to from the birth of our independent article number seven secondly, the Constitution requires the president Congress to respect " the, the Christian sabbath " Sonny as a day " accepted " from government all business article one section 7. Thirdly, the First Amendment prohibits the U.S. Congress from making any law " respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ". Enough words, the federal government has no right to interfere with the free exercise expression of religion by individuals or state in any shape, manner, or form. Fourthly, article 6 of the Constitution pretty busy any religious test as a qualification for public office. the intent of the Constitution's framers was, therefore, in the matter of religion is specially the Christian religion, whose adherents birth America. That the federal government would maintain a help the respect for it, and keep its hands off. For the last several years, however, instead of respecting religion-East specially the Christian religion-the leaders of our federal government have increasingly been demonstrated and the state, and even hostility, toward both the Christian faith and Christian people. For claiming to be tolerant and pluralistic, our federal government in practice, shows will tolerance are frozen regarding Christianity time and again, Christian practices and people are singled out for humiliation, persecution, or retribution. This situation follows an eeritly similar pattern to the old Holy Roman Empire. The Roman Empire loved to tout is tolerance for any and all faith systems. one common at age at the time was that there are so many gods in Rome as people". so tolerance was wrong for mattress religions believe that even constructed an altar to the "Unknown God". for fear that it may have neglected to honor someones obscure God. What was said, when then, that the Roman Empire took delight in publicly persecuting, torturing, and executing Christians? What happens to tolerance? What happened to cronyism? To direct in Iraq contravention of its all laws and policies, Rome single out Christianity for public trepidation. And that is exactly what the U.S. government is currently doing. Apostate it up out right: The U.S. government has become patently anti Christian. In spite of constitutional requirements to keep its hands of religious liberty, the U.S. government routinely singles out Christian practices for public trepidation for years now, federal judges have demanded that local school under the jurisdiction bubble plan state, government prohibit prayer or Bible reading. Does anyone find it a low interesting that all over America, what Christian students are denied the right to pray and read the Bible in public schools, Moslem students are not only allowed to pray in public schools, but are also often provided special prayer rooms with in this school for that so that those students may have of their classrooms and prayer? In fact, in some school districts, if the Moslem prayer time interferes with the students test, the student is meantimes free to make up the test in order that he R she may be faithful to the prepare meeting. Of course, the reading of the Koran it is also included in the Moslems part-time. All of the that is done with the full knowledge and blessings of the U.S. government and the ACLU by the way, including the mattress federal courts that are always " fast on the draw " to squash any and all attempts by Christian to pray or read their Bibles in public schools. And it is next just the Moslem religion that makes with the approval of the U.S. government. Federal courts find no fault in public schools students observing to Elisa, celebrating the pagan holiday of Halloween, or engaging in various Eastern religions practices Sanchez in New meditation. At least one school district in Utah has allowed to abandon months to conduct Katrine both East devotion in its public schools. At least to schools in California have even introduce new eight sh Caracol: honoring Lucifer to their students. Basically, any animal religious beliefs are condoned and tolerated by the U.S. government-every belief system except Christianity, that is. In addition, how many local art state courts have been ordered by federal judges to remove any panel coppice of the 10 Commandments are other spiritual references from their buildings? And many local governments have been ordered by federal judges to remove any and all the activity are a manger scenes from their properties? Have many chaplains have been ordered to remove Bibles from soldiers, sailors or Marines? And many Bibles have been destroyed by orders from military commanders? And many prisoners or detainees have been denied Bibles even when requested by order of military brass? And many military officers have been overlooked for promotions and thus drubbed out of military service for not being willing to surrender their Christian convictions to "sensationally" or "diversity" training (a euphernism for homosexual brainwashing? Have many times has the U.S. government quickly taupe looked the other way when Christian people have been slaughtered in massive? Can anyone say the sedan " have many Christian chaplains in the armed forces have been ordered to not pray in Jesus' name? Have many pro-life Christians have been targeted by federal police agents is for special scrutiny? And many shares offices run and managed by Christian law enforcement officers have been denied federal funds for not submitting to a variety of recall Steve politics mandated by the federal government?" then there is the AP story Iraq has lost more than half the Christians who once called it home, mostly since the war began, and few who fled half of plans to return ". The report contended saying, " the number of Iraq Christians as plummeted across the Mideast in recent years as increasing numbers seeking to move to the West, saying they feel increasingly unwelcome in the Middle East and want to better life abroad. But the exodus has been particularly stark in Iraq-where sectarian violence since the U.S. lead 2003 invasion has often targeted Christians. The eight Peete found that hundreds of thousands of Christians have fled " source: The Associated Press, Thursday May 14th, 2009 . in highlight the eight The report in 1987, there were 1.4 million Christians in a Iraq. Now there are pure than 4 waterfowls period for all of said Don Hussain is CNN's, persecution of Christians was not one of them. Under Hussein's rule, Christians for the most part, led a eight persecution free existence-something extremely rare in Muslim countries. in fact, said Don Hussain even had Christian serving in his administrative cabinet. Enter the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. sentry moving some of the same U.S. government has installed an Islamic puppet government, which has resulted in the persecution of hundreds of thousands of arak Christians. I will call the evangelists Christians who continue to support George W. Bush and his unconsti tutional, pre-emptive invasion of Iraq are paying attention. I hope all his Christian friends who kept dropping the Constitutional Paulus is the President Bush " became it because he is the Christian ", are paying attention. I really wish that James Dobson and his I OK would have banned as outraged at the unconstitutional not to mention unchristian policies of the former Republican president as they are the current Democrat. president, because it for all intents and purposes, the federal government is functioning in exactly the same way under one as it did under the other. Whether domestically are internationally, the U.S. government is obviously committed to and anti Christian agenda. Where the federal government once respected Christianity and about to not interfere with the fate and practices of Christian people, it has now become an archenemy of religious liberty. With virtually every constitutional safeguard being modulated by the modern federal government, about all that is left is far the Constitution all probation of government business being conducted on Sundays to be expunge. Don't be surprised there for, when federal courts began mandating that public schools require student to attend class on the Lord's day. If we are so restore the principles of religious liberty, it will be necessary for state governments and for Christian people in particular-to stand united against an even stronger growing, ever menacing federal leviathan that is intent on the disk Bahrain the safeguards and foundations of a leak what hist proud constitutional republic, which was, after all, rooted and founded upon Christian principles." This confirms my predictions. An American veteran thought to be a white supremacist has shot a guard at the Holocaust Museum in Washington and terrorized the tourist visiting. They say he has a long history of hating J-e-ws and blaming them for creating the I*R*S. Now everyone will suddenly be considered a terrorist that are opposed to the Israeli movement. The promoters of hate are at it full-time broadcasting their message of anti-Semitism. Who is really at fault?